BUSINESS HELP UK GROUP is London based multi-lingual company which is accredited and licensed in training and human resource development. With a strong UK presence, we have the confidence to guarantee the success of our work and help individuals and organizations to succeed and improve through our innovative and robust training services. We offer bespoke...
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Other Trainings » Manual Handling


What does the course cover?

    * Spinal awareness and back care
    * Manual handling hazards
    * Manual handling injuries and the activities which cause them
    * Manual handling assessment
    * Safe handling principles
    * Ergonomics
    * Inanimate load handling
    * Mechanical aids
    * Fitness
    * Responsibilities imposed by the Manual Handling Operations Regulations
    * Controversial techniques
    * Team handling and communication
    * Practical applications


For those whose role involves moving people the following is also included:


    * Sitting, Standing & Walking
    * Bed Mobility
    * Lateral Transfers
    * Hoisting and use of slings

Who is the course for?

This course is ideal for anyone who carries out manual handling activities at work. It is tailored according to whether you move loads and/or people at work.

How long does the course last?

2½ -3 hours for staff whose role involves moving loads, eg office, factories, hotels, warehouses etc. A certificate in 'Manual Handling of Loads' is issued.

4 hours for staff whose role involves moving people, eg in care and residential settings. A certificate in 'Manual Handling' is issued.

How is the course assessed?

An assessment paper and/or continual assessment of practical techniques throughout the course by the tutor.

How long is the certificate valid for?

3 years.


 How much does the course cost?


Prices are dependant on numbers. Give us a call as we will not be beaten on quality and price.
Booking form

Course title: Manual Handling

Location and Time: N/A

Price: £ 0.00

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Business Help UK
Group Ltd

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